SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of January 6, 2025

January 10, 2025 2 min read

SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of January 6, 2025


After a week essentially off, I dropped back to the same weight I did the week of December 16th. It feels easy but a little rusty due to the week of no practice. I did bodyweight stuff and band work, but it isn’t the same as the highly intricate O-lifts.


Still doing some easy strength for chins, dips and deads. I’ve dropped squats in favor of trying a new protocol. I made this choice largely for time purposes. I found myself running out of time to actually get the easy strength squats in. I have had great success with this setup in the past and wrote about it in the Box Squat Protocol.


Coming back to normal life has been tough. Waking up at 4am is hard. The training is hard. The hardest thing, by far, is getting back to eating. I took it easy the two weeks of Christmas and New Year and didn’t closely track my food. I was in a clear deficit since I lost 7 pounds and going back to 4500+ calories per day hasn’t been easy. I know my stomach will adjust, but it sucks in the meantime. I know, woe is me.




Snatch: 175 8x2

Clean & Jerk: 215 8x1

Power Clean & Push Press: 185 5x1+3

Front Squat: 265 5x3

Fat Bar Chin Ups: 50 2x5
Dips: 70 2x5

Deadlift: 355 5x1

Clean & Jerk: 195 2x1, 210 2x1, 225 2x1, 238 2x1

Power Clean & Push Press: 185 5x1+3

Front Squat: 265 5x3

Snatch: 175 8x2

Deadlift: 355 7x1



Leg Curl: 2x6 @8

Squat: 287 15x2

Fat Bar Chin Ups: 50 2x5
Dips: 70 2x5

Deadlift: 355 9x1

Deadlift: 355 11x1

Fat Bar Chins: 3x3 65

Dips: 3x3 90



Power Clean & Push Press: 185 5x1+3

Front Squat: 265 5x3

Snatch: 175 8x2

Clean & Jerk: 215 8x1

Fat Bar Chins: 2x5 50

Dips: 2x5 70

Deadlift: 355 13x1

Front Squat: 290 5x3

Snatch: 175 8x2

Clean & Jerk: 215 8x1

Power Clean & Push Press: 185 5x1+3

Box Squats: 3 different heights x5 reps @8

Fat Bar Chins: 2x5 50

Dips: 2x5 70

Deadlift: 355 15x1


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