SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of June 24, 2024

June 28, 2024 1 min read

SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of June 24, 2024

I came back from a road trip and my body felt really off. I chalked it up to driving for 10 hours and thought a light, restorative workout would help. It kind of did and I was able to get two more training sessions in before I realized it was more than just the drive. I developed a really painful sinus headache/infection on Wednesday that, as of Friday, has still not subsided. It really affects my ability to do most everything without my head feeling like it is going to explode. Fortunately, I realized that there are certain leg movements that I could do, so long as I kept the weight moderate. Slowing down the eccentric and increasing the reps made up for the lack of intensity and I still felt like I got a good workout. 

Hopefully, by next week, the headache will have subsided.



KB Clean & Press (+3 front squats): Double 53’s (2,3,5)5; Double 70’s (1,2,3)x3

Sled Pulls

Power Snatch: 102x4, 110 2x3,120x3, 130x3, 140x3, 145 2x3

Power Clean & Power Jerk: 157x4, 170 2x4, 182x4, 195 2x4



Squat: 205 3x10, 245x10

Snatch: 110x3, 120x3, 130x3, 140x3, 150x3, 160x2, 170x2, 180x1, 190 2x1


DAY 6 

Leg Curls: 15, 10, 2x6

Leg Press: 15,15, 2x15

Seated Cable Leg Curls: 2x15

Adductor/Abductor: 2x20

Bulgarian Split Squat w/front foot elevated: 2x15 per leg

Leg Ext.: 15, 12


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