SHANE'S TRAINING - Week of Feb 26, 2024

March 02, 2024 2 min read

SHANE'S TRAINING - Week of Feb 26, 2024

Another week of training. Nothing terribly exciting to report. Still supersetting my main movements for the day with some easy antagonist supersets - dips and KB presses on lower days and goblet squats + back extensions on upper days. I find that this helps with recovery while making the session a little more interesting. I’ve also been throwing in some light back squats every day, just a couple sets of 3 between 60 and 70%, to get in the habit of daily squatting. I haven’t fully decided, but I may do a month of daily squatting to a max, a la John Broz, in March. Why? No reason other than I haven’t done anything like that in over a decade and it seems like it would be fun (and I forgot how much it sucks).

My olympic lifts are feeling better. Last week I managed a 200 pound snatch and 280 pound clean (I still can’t split jerk), which is the heaviest I’ve been able to lift since the injury. Hopefully soon I will be back to 220/300, with a jerk. The fact that I’ve been able to start stiff leg deadlift without a tremendous amount of discomfort is a huge improvement. 



Lying Leg Curls - 15,10,3x8

DE Squats against bands and chains - work up to single @.75, then drop for 8x2

Single Leg Leg Press - 2x8 per leg

45 Degree Back Ext. - 2x10

Snatch EMOM- 70% 5x1,75% 5x1,80% 5x1, 85% 5x1 

Power Clean + Power Jerk EMOM - Same as Snatch

Back Stuff




RE Press - 165 8x3

60 degree incline - 185x5-7, 167 3x8-10

DB Bench - 85 2x8-12

Seated Lateral Raise/Overhead Rope Ext/Hammer Curls - 2x12

Reverse Fly/Decline Rolling DB Ext/Cable Curl - 2x12

Power Snatch EMOM- 70% 5x1,75% 5x1,80% 5x1, 85% 5x1 

Hang Clean + Power Jerk EMOM - Same as Snatch






Walking Lunges - 3x5 each leg

Seated Leg Curls - 3 - 4x10

ME Squat - up to single @9, then drop 10% for 2-3x2-3

Stiff Leg Deadlift - 325 3x6-8 if hip allows

Hack Squat - 2x8-10

Lying Leg Curls - 2x6

Snatch EMOM - 70% 5x1,75% 5x1,80% 5x1, 85%x1, +5x1, +5x1, +5x1,+5x1 if no misses

Clean + Power Jerk EMOM - Same as Snatch

Back Stuff 




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