SHANE'S TRAINING - Week of April 15, 2024

April 18, 2024 2 min read

SHANE'S TRAINING - Week of April 15, 2024

Finally, things are returning to normal. I’m no longer sick or traveling and have the time to train like normal. My hip is (mostly) better and I feel like I can start to push some of the hinging movements a little harder, especially deadlifts. While out of town, the Anytime Fitness I was using for the week had a trap bar and I tried a set of deadlifts with it. I was able to do a set of 8 with 405 and, while it was noticeably uncomfortable in my hip, it wasn’t so bad that I had to stop, which is a huge improvement. 

I’m jumping back into a new program with a lot more emphasis on the Olympic lifts. I feel that I am ready to bring them back as my main focus now that things are normalizing. It’s starting off pretty light, but I’m okay with that since I was mostly doing singles over the previous months. I did good mornings for the first time since the injury, which I wasn’t even able to do with an empty bar, and even though it was light, I felt a nice soreness the next day along my whole back. I’m hoping to make some solid improvements this cycle, even though I’m generally very mediocre, and possibly compete at some point this year. If I can get my snatch back to above 105kg and my clean & jerk to 140kg+, I will feel decent enough about my numbers to compete.



Snatch:120 2x3,130 2x3, 140 2x3, 150x2, 160 2x2

Clean & Jerk: 167 2+1, 195 (2+1)2, 225 (2+1)2

Snatch High Pull: 160 2x3, 170 2x3

Squat: 245 2x4, 265x4, 285x3, 305 2x3, 325 2x3

Power Jerk: 147x3, 160x3, 170x3, 182x3

Overhead Squat: 145x3, 170 4x3

Good Mornings: 135 4x6 

Power Snatch:120 2x3, 130 2x3, 140 3x2

Power Clean & Power Jerk: 170 (3+2)2, 182 (3+2)2, 195 (2+2)2

Front Squat: 225x5, 240 2x4, 275 2x4

Clean Deadlift 4x3







Squat:245 2x4, 265 2x4, 285x3, 305x3, 325 2x3

Back Ext.: 3x15

Sled pulls and carries





Snatch:120 2x3, 140 2x3, 150 2x2, 160 3x2

Clean & Jerk: 167 2+1, 195 (2+1)2, 225 (2+1)3

Front Squat: 225x5, 240 2x4, 260x4, 275 2x3

Behind the Neck Push Press: 167x4, 182x4, 195 2x3

Squat Snatch Press: 4x4  


DAY 6 

Squat:225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x4, 305x4, 325 2x3

Back Ext.: 3x15

Dips & Chin Ups: 3x3, 3x10

Biceps/Triceps: 8x8

Power Snatch + Overhead Squat: 120 3+3, 130 (3+3)2, 140 (3+3)2

Power Clean & Power Jerk: 170 (3+3)2, 182 (3+3)2, 195 (3+3)2

Squat: 265x4, 285x3, 305 2x3, 325 2x3, 345 2x2


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