SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of September 16, 2024

September 19, 2024 3 min read

SHANE'S TRAINING – Week of September 16, 2024

This week is not what I was hoping it would be. It is supposed to be the highest volume week of this block for the classic lifts. Unfortunately, I hurt my right leg last Saturday while doing some highland wrestling at a birthday party.

Note to everyone: if you are going to do an activity that has hard falls associated with it, don’t do it on hard, compact surfaces. Sand is a better choice.

At any rate, I think I bruised or pulled or whatever something on the outer part of my right leg that I, and another grown man, fell on. I don’t believe that it is anything major or catastrophic, but it is pretty uncomfortable. I was able to snatch on Monday, but my lifts felt very awkward and I had to drop the load and change the rep scheme to try and meet the volume. The same happened this morning (Tuesday) with my clean and jerks. For the rest of the week, I will have to simply play it by ear to see if I can do the lifts without discomfort and the technical issues that it is creating. I know I can do powers, so I may just do that. Either way, I will have to repeat this week once I feel well enough to follow the plan as prescribed.

Despite the setback on the classic lifts, I seem to be able to do the other lifts just fine. Squats are a little bit bothersome, but I was able to do the top set that I needed and did one down set before inverting the sets/reps which was tolerable enough to complete the volume that I needed. It feels very ironic that I just wrote apost about making adjustments to your training for these kinds of issues and then I start having them.

My shoulder has been bothering me for a few weeks. Even though I can work around it, it has prevented me from doing certain exercises. My hands are also beat up this week. Lots of little skin breaks and callus tears. As I have mentioned in the past, the hands are a gateway to the rest of the body, so I may take this as a sign and embrace a deload-ish week. We’ll see how I feel.



Snatch: 132x2, 152 2x2, 172 2x2, 185 4x1

Squat: 155x8, 177x8, 202x8, 247x2, 282x2, 317x8, pause squat 247 1x8, 8x2 (Monster Mini Band Pull Aparts x15 between sets)

Stiff Leg Deficit Deadlift: 3x15 227

Clean & Jerk: 172x2, 200x2, 230 2x2, 215x 2+1, 1+1

Pulldowns: 2x15 150

Hang Power Snatch: 90x5, 110x5, 125 5x1, 135 5x1, 145 5x1, 155 5x1 



Clean from pins & Jerk: determine by the day

Push Press: 140x8, 160x8, 180x8, 210X1, 140 3x8 (45 degree back ext. 8-10 w/95 between sets) 

Behind the Neck Press: 5x15 92 (Goblet Belt Squat 10-15 w/180 between sets)

Power Snatch: determine by the day

Power Clean & Jerk: determine by the day



Snatch: determine by the day

Deadlift: 195x3, 237x3, 280x3, 320x3, 362x3, 405x3, 320 5x3 (Dips 60x8-10 between sets)

Buffalo Bar Squat: 5x1 220 (KB Press 53x10-15 between sets)

Clean + Jerk: determine by the day

Overhead Press: 70x8, 85x8, 102x8, 120x8, 137x8, 155x8, 120 3x8 (leg press 3x10, good mornings 3x8, 3x10 leg curls between sets)

Push Press: 5x15 115 (45 degree back ext. or Good Mornings 10-15 between sets) 

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