November 15, 2023 2 min read 2 Comments


Triphasic Training

Triphasic Training is the new kid on the block of periodization models. Developed by University of Minnesota strength and conditioning coach Cal Dietz, triphasic training gained popularity with the release of his 2012 book Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance (co-authored with Ben Peterson). The triphasic model is essentially a block system that uses three distinct phases of training, each emphasizing a specific component of the strength curve: eccentric, isometric, and concentric. The goal is to systematically develop strength, power, and performance by targeting different aspects of muscle contraction.

Triphasic Training Blocks:

  • Eccentric BlockEmphasizes the lowering or lengthening phase of a lift.
    • Goals: Develops eccentric strength, increases muscle and tendon elasticity, and enhances force absorption.
    • Exercises: Controlled eccentric movements, slow-tempo lifts, accentuated eccentrics like weight releasers
  • Isometric BlockEmphasizes the static or isometric phase, where the muscle length remains constant.
    • Goals: Improves muscle stiffness, enhances rate of force development (RFD), and develops isometric strength.
    • Exercises: Paused lifts, overcoming isometrics, static holds.
  • Concentric BlockEmphasizes the lifting or shortening phase of a lift
    • Goals: Develops concentric strength and power, maximizes force production during the lifting phase.
    • Exercises: Jumps & throws, explosive/speed work, Olympic lifts.

*Overcoming isometrics involves pushing or pulling against an immovable object, for example squatting up against the safety pins in a power rack 

Triphasic training offers a comprehensive approach to strength development that can be missed in other models. By specifically targeting eccentric, isometric, and concentric phases, triphasic training aligns with the natural strength curve and can lead to faster improvements in force production, power, and overall athletic performance, as well as reducing injury risk (specifically tendons).



  • Great for beginners and advanced
  • Lower injury risk
  • Decent for hypertrophy
  • Can be hard to plan for beginners
  • Knowledge of exercises required
  • Higher CNS recovery demands


2 Responses


April 25, 2024

In the Dietz model, you are doing blocks of 3 weeks for each quality. The weekly split in each block is an undulating model of:

Day 1- medium volume/intensity
Day 2- low volume/high intensity
Day 3: high volume/low intensity

This was designed for sport athletes, so you may find a different split to be better, depending on your situation. The reasoning was that high volume work is pushed to the end of the training week (Friday), allowing for sufficient time to recover over the weekend since his athletes weren’t in the weight room on the weekend. High intensity work was placed on Wednesday to take advantage of neural priming that the moderate intensity work plays on Monday.


April 24, 2024

So is it a day of one muscle group in one day doing all three isometric, eccentric and concentric? Or is it " for a whole week I’m focusing on isometric, then next week I’m focusing on eccentric, then the following focusing on concentric..?

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